
Clients enter into a counseling relationship to begin a journey of personal growth. This journey entails the disclosure of very personal information and you want to make sure you can trust the therapist to uphold your confidentiality. You need to know the parameters of confidentiality BEFORE you start therapy: In most circumstances, your confidentiality will be upheld. As I say to my clients, “What is said in this room, stays in this room.” However, there are exceptions that counselors must adhere to.

Legal Exceptions to Confidentiality

•  Child abuse or neglect
•  Elder abuse or neglect
•  Dependent adult abuse or neglect
•  Serious threats to harm others
•  Serious threats to harm yourself
•  Court order requiring therapist testimony to be released to the court

Other/Ethical Exceptions to Confidentiality

•  Case consultation with other mental health professionals for the benefit of your therapy